2020 Mayflower UK £2 Gold Proof Graded Presentation Coin
2020 Mayflower UK £2 Gold Proof Graded Presentation Coin
Commemorating 400 Years Since the Voyage of the Mayflower
In the chill of a mid-November morning in 1620, a small converted merchant ship appeared off the coast of Cape Cod, in modern-day Massachusetts. European ships had passed this way before, exploring the New World, but the 102 passengers of the Mayflower – storm-tossed and seasick – were here to stay. These were the Pilgrims, whose democratic self-government would lay the philosophical foundations for the United States of America.
In 2020 The Royal Mint commemorates the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower’s historic voyage with a vibrantly designed coin. Available in limited-edition gold and silver Proof editions, each coin has been independently graded and certified by NGC. Hermetically sealed in a scratch-resistant holder to preserve its perfect state.